Since the completion of my residency at the University of Lincoln, things have slowed down which has given me a much needed break to reflect on my current practice. For the past couple of years, the pace has been fairly steady but with commuting, changing jobs and relocating, it hasn't given me the chance to sit down and think about what I want to do next. I find myself in an unusual position where I have no deadline and my current job gives me both the time and facilities to continue to produce. There is one problem though, I have creative block. I would be very surprised if I was the only creative who suffers with this problem but I feel that sometimes it's your mind/body/soul or whatever it is, saying that you need a break. I might not like it, but there is this societal pressure that if you're not being productive, you are nothing but a FAILURE. I need to remind myself that this isn't the case!
So what do you do when you run out of steam?
Well I've set a small challenge for myself and that's to blog. By blogging regularly, I'm hoping that it keeps me focused and get the old cogs working again.
Wish me luck!